People behind

The IYGU’s programme will be guided by world-leading social and natural scientists and scholars in philosophy and the humanities from the Global North as well from the Global South.


Eliezer Batista holds degrees in Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. He was Minister of Mines and Energy and Minister of Strategic Affairs in the Brazilian government. He is one of the key initiators of the Rio 1992 Earth Summit and co-founder of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). He holds the highest honor of more than twelve countries and is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Jack Dangermond founded Esri in 1969 with a vision that a mapping and analysis framework could provide a deeper understanding of our world and help us design a better future. As founder and president of Esri, Dangermond’s leadership and vision stimulate the ongoing innovation of GIS technologies that enable people to make insightful decisions and improve the quality of life everywhere.

José Manuel Ramos-Horta received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1996 for his work towards a just and peaceful solution for the conflict in East Timor. Currently Mr. Ramos-Horta is the United Nations’ special representative and Head of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS).

Former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); inductee into the Kyoto Earth Hall of Fame​

Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry (1986); past President of the International Council for Science (ICSU)

Executive Director

Social geographer at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, member of the European Research Council (ERC) for Environment and Society, has published widely on the interrelation of Society, Action and Space and the transformation of spatial relations through globalization.

Advisory Board

Executive Director of the very successful International Year of Planet Earth (2007-2009), a former president of the International Union of Geology, Director of the Planet Earth Institute in Wageningen, Netherlands.

advisor to the Outreach Panel; Officer of the Order of Australia (AO); UNESCO Chair in TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) and Life Long Learning, the Foundation Director of UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Previously, he was the Director of the Section for Secondary Education at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. He is the editor of the book Learning and Teaching for the Twenty-First Century.

Executive Director of the International Year of Mountains, former president of the IGU, the National UNESCO-MAB Committee and director of the MAB Mountain Research Program; laureate of the Vautrin Lud International Geography Prize.

is the initiator of the 2015 UN International Year of Year of Light & Light-based Technologies and chairs its Steering Committee. He is the head of optoelectronics and photonics research at the University of Franche-Comté at Besançon (France), has won numerous awards, including the Hopkins Leadership Award of the Optical Society of America and is co-laureate of an ERC Advanced Grant studying extreme events in nature. He served as the President of the European Physical Society (2013-2015).

Steering Committee

Past-President of the IGU and the IYGU’s official applicant to the United Nations; Professor Emeritus of Geography at the Pennsylvania State University and Executive Director Emeritus of the Association of American Geographers (AAG); he edited Global Change and Local Places: Estimating, Understanding, and Reducing Greenhouse Gases and the summary volume of the AAG’s 1995-2002 Global Change and Local Places research project.

Director of UNESCO’s Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP); former Executive Director of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP). He has been actively involved in trying to develop the framework to tackle the dual issues of ecosystem deterioration and poverty reduction. He has been actively involved in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) as a coordinating lead author and was a member of the core writing team of the MA’s Ecosystems and Human Well-Being Synthesis Report. He has also been the chief architect of the development of UNEP’s conceptual framework on poverty and the environment.

Prof. Chao Gejin is the President of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), the International Society for Epic Studies (ISES), member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director and Senior Research Fellow of Institute of Ethnic Literature of CASS (Beijing, China), majoring in oral traditions (epic poetry in particular), and minorities’ literature in China.

former director of the London School of Economics, is most recent book publication is Politics of Climate Change, and currently the most-cited social scientist; he is a Member of the UK’s House of Lords.

Executive Director of the International Council for Science (ICSU) (since March 2015); previously Executive Director of the International Social Science Council (ISSC) (Feb 2007-Feb 2015). Heide read for a M.Phil in contemporary social theory at the University of Cambridge (UK) and holds a PhD in science and technology studies from the University of Twente (Netherlands). She has worked as a science policy maker, researcher and consultant in the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom and South Africa. She holds membership of several international advisory committees, including the Scientific Advisory Board of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.

Past-President of the International Social Sciences Council (ISSC), the world’s umbrella organization for social sciences; he was the State Secretary of the Government of Norway’s Secretariat for Long-Term Planning in the 1980s and Norwegian Secretary of Education and Research (1990-94), as well as of Health and Social Affairs (1995-1997) and one of the initiators of the Grand Challenges program.

President of the IGU, author of many books in the field of political and social geography, former Chair of the IGU Commission on Political Geography (1996-2004) and guest Professor at several foreign universities.

Director of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig, Germany; President of the IGU national committee for Germany

President of the IGU commission on Gender Geographies

is a former Vice-President of the IGU (2000-2008) and a former Chair of the South African National Committee of the IGU. He is Professor Emeritus and Research Fellow of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Zululand and member of the ICA, IGBP, and IYPE in South Africa. In addition, he serves in Commissions on Geo-Parks and Tourism, Leisure and Global Change and presently the Chair of the South African Weather Services.

National University of Rwanda … under construction.

President of ICSU and Canada’s leading expert on climate change. He contributed to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, as well as of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, the American Meteorological Society, and a member of numerous national and international scientific committees like the International Scientific Committee for the World Climate Research Program.

long-time secretary of the IGU commission on Geographical Education, head of the research project Strengthening the Bonds between Scientific Literacy and Human Understanding: Local Area Networks to help build Cross-border Solutions for Disaster Management, which was financed by the ICSU in 2010.

CODESRIA … under construction.

Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at the University of Luxembourg and member of several of UNESCO’s cultural and social scientific ethics commissions.

Vice-President of the Geographical Society of China, one of the leading representatives of the younger generation of Asia’s New Social and Cultural Geographers.

Scientific Panel

is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. She is a prominent researcher in Applied Climatology, particularly in the context of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and natural hazards in urban and coastal settlements. She is a co-investigator in the on-going IDRC-IRIACC ‘Coastal Cities at Risk’ project.

is Vice-President of the International Consortium of Landslides (ICL), and of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Programme of ICSU. Former Vice-President of the International Geographical Union (IGU), and ex-member of the Committee of Scientific Planning and Review (CSPR) of ICSU. Young Affiliate Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the developing world (TWAS), and Research Professor at the Institute of Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

is a leading geographer and climatologist working in the fields of geo-climatology, climate change, hydrology, and environment. He is a Member of the Executive Bureau of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) and President of the Association of Tunisian Geographers.

is the President of the International Cartographic Association (ICA). He is Professor for Cartography and Geo-Mediatechniques at the Vienna University of Technology and a specialist in the application of new media technologies to cartography, especially in the area of Location-Based Services and Web Cartography.

he is a Vice-President of the IGU, and as a leading environmental scientist in Asia he is involved in several Global Environmental Programs such as the Land Use/Land Cover Change Program.

is the Secretary-General of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and was a member of the Board of the UN International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE, 2007-2010). He is a Chief Scientist/Research Professor and Scientific Leader of the section “Computational Geodynamics” at the Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics at the Russian Academiy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Since 2012 he is also a Research Scientist at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, and since 2005 Professor at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France.

is a leading British social and cultural geographer and an expert on global food commodity chains. He is the Director of the CONANX program with its global network of researchers supported by the European Research Council.

is an influential French geographer in the areas of politics and land use planning. He was a member of the French research council for urban and land use planning development as well as sustainable development, and is co-director and editor of the interdisciplinary journal

heads the group on ‘Disasters and Development’ at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria. He has co-authored various sections in the 2012 IPCC Special Report ‘Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, and is the Director of various research projects for the United Nations and the OECD.

is an early career social scientist working in the fields of rural livelihoods, rural and urban climate change adaptation and natural resources management. Also a World Social Science Fellow in Sustainable Urbanization and currently Deputy Director/Senior Research Fellow in the Directorate of Research and Resource Mobilisation at the Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe.

an internationally renowned archaeologist, Secretary General of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP), and has published widely on prehistoric arts, the origins of agriculture, heritage management and landscape management.

a leading American human geographer in the area of global production networks at the renowned University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is an advisor at the research institutions Carolina Asia Center and Center for Muslim and Middle Eastern Civilization.

is a professor of solid-state chemistry and resource strategy, the spokesman of the Board of the Scientific Center for Environment at the University of Augsburg, and a leading representative of resource research at the social / natural science interface; he is the co-editor of GAIA, the magazine for ecological perspectives in natural sciences, humanities, and economics.

an internationally leading educational and communication scientist from the University of Pittsburgh, a former president of the American Educational Research Association, and currently the Director of the Learning Research and Development Center with an emphasis on Internet communication and learning.

 is a past President / Chair of the Australian Anthropological Association (2002-2005) and the World Council of Anthropological Associations (2008-2012). He is currently Senior Vice-President of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, a member of the executive of the International Social Science Council, a member of the board of Future Earth (Asia) and an expert advisor to the IPBES and IPCC. Research in Indonesia and beyond has focused on indigenous people, social movements, religion, political elites, ecology, food security and globalisation.

is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and co-chairs the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University New York. She is the author of A Sociology of Globalization and The Global City. She organized a five-year project on sustainable human settlement with a network of researchers and activists in over 30 countries for UNESCO.

is an internationally leading urban researcher at the renowned University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and a recipient of the Prix Vautrin Lud, the “unofficial Nobel Prize” for geography (2003).

is the Executive Director of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), a Senior Fellow of Institute of Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Japan, and the Chairperson of SEEDS Asia. Previously, he was a Professor in the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies of Kyoto University, Japan. His expertise includes community-based disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, urban risk management, and disaster and environmental education.

is a nutritional scientist at the TU Karlsruhe, the former president of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), a member of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), the Director of several EU research projects, and for many years a collaborator of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), as well as the World Health Organization (WHO).

is one of the pioneers of sociological research on climate change and sustainability. More recently, his work has focused on moral consumption under globalized conditions.

is a leading French-speaking expert in the area of mobility and identity; he is the Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Tourism at the Kurt Bösch Institute in Sion (Switzerland).

is a specialist in political ecology, water governance, and climate change, with specific regional competence in respect of South Asia. She was a Program Officer at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) responsible for directing a large environmental management program in Bangladesh and is currently Associate Professor of Geography at Syracuse University in the US.

is a Professor of Geography and the Director of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network. He is the author of World City Network: a Global Urban Analysis and co-editor of Cities in Globalization: Practices, Policies and Theories.

Prof. Dr. Dawn Wright (USA), Chief Scientist of Esri, professor of geography and oceanography at Oregon State University, and an internationally leading scholar in ocean GIS, ocean exploration, and science communication.

Outreach Panel

is the Chair of the Commission on Environment and Energy of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). He is an experienced general manager and executive, with 24 year of international and intercultural expertise. For three consecutive years, while Barth acted as Siemens’ Sustainability Director, the company was classified as the most sustainable industrial company by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.

is an internationally renowned expert on pedagogy and didactics in geography and is particularly well known for innovative approaches in teaching. He is the President of the EUROGEO (European Geographers’ Association) and its representative on the European Council; he is the coordinator of the network (HERODOT) of geographers in university education.

Prof. Aharon Kellerman (Ph.D. Boston University, 1976) is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Haifa Israel, and he serves as President of Zefat Academic College, Israel. He further serves as Vice-President of the IGU. His areas of specialization are personal mobilities and information geography.

is Emeritus Professor at IMD, Lausanne and has worked intensively and extensively across Asia for fifty years. He is Founder of the Evian Group and is on the board of various institutions, including the Arab International Women’s Forum. He is currently a visiting professor at Hong Kong University and at NIIT University in Neemrana, Rajasthan, and writes frequently for major international media.

is professor at the École normale supérieure de Lyon and is urban geography specialist, working on actors, performances, speeches and the production of urban space. Michel Lussault was the Third Vice-President of the Conference of University Presidents (CPU) from 2006 to 2008 and president of the ‘Agence de mutualisation des universités et établissements’ (AMUE) 2005 in 2008. He has authored nine scientific works (written and directed or co-directed) and more than 80 articles in edited volumes and peer-reviewed journals.

the advisor of the Outreach Panel, is the Foundation Director of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Previously, he was the Director of the Section for Secondary Education at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. He is the editor of the book ‘Learning and Teaching for the Twenty-First Century’.

long-time secretary of the IGU commission on Geographical Education, head of the research project Strengthening the Bonds between Scientific Literacy and Human Understanding: Local Area Networks to help build Cross-border Solutions for Disaster Management, which was financed by the ICSU in 2010.

former President of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), the first President of the Peoples’ Movement for Human Rights Education for Mali and Africa, a former Executive Secretary of the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN) and former Minister of Education of Mali. He was President of the Preparatory Committee of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

is the chairman of Green Power HK, an environmental NGO on sustainability education, community outreach, and environmental policy studies, and Associate Director of the UNESCO-UNEVOC centre Hong Kong, Education for Sustainable Development Green Skills and TVET.

Prof. Dr. Dawn Wright (USA), Chief Scientist of Esri, professor of geography and oceanography at Oregon State University, and an internationally leading scholar in ocean GIS, ocean exploration, and science communication.

International Relations & Fundraising

Task Force & Executive Director

Regional Action Centers

Past-President of the IGU and the IYGU’s official applicant to the United Nations; Professor Emeritus of Geography at the Pennsylvania State University and Executive Director Emeritus of the Association of American Geographers (AAG); he edited Global Change and Local Places: Estimating, Understanding, and Reducing Greenhouse Gases and the summary volume of the AAG’s 1995-2002 Global Change and Local Places research project.

he is a Vice-President of the IGU, and as a leading environmental scientist in Asia he is involved in several Global Environmental Programs such as the Land Use/Land Cover Change Program.

President of the IGU, author of many books in the field of political and social geography, former Chair of the IGU Commission on Political Geography (1996-2004) and guest Professor at several foreign universities.

an internationally renowned archaeologist, Secretary General of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP), and has published widely on prehistoric arts, the origins of agriculture, heritage management and landscape management.

Social geographer at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, member of the European Research Council (ERC) for Environment and Society, has published widely on the interrelation of Society, Action and Space and the transformation of spatial relations through globalization.

Tunis (Tunisia): Regional Action Center for Northern Africa. (Coordinator: Habid Ben Boubaker)
Bamako (Mali): Regional Action Center for Western Africa. (Coordinator: Adama Samassekou)
Minia: Regional Action Center – Egypt. (Coordinator: Gamal-Eldin Ali Abou-Elmagd/Edrees Sultan)
Ibadan: Regional Action Center – Nigeria. (Coordinator: Ibidun Adenelkan)

Brasília (Brazil): Regional Action Center for Brazil and Latin America. (Coordinator: Sybelle de Jongh)
Washington (U.S.A.): Regional Action Center for North America. (Coordinator: Doug Richardson)
Santiago de Chile: Regional Action Center – Chile. (Coordinator: Enrique Aliste)
Buenos Aires: Regional Action Center – Argentina. (Coordinator: Perla Zusman)
Lima: Regional Action Center – Peru. (Coordinator: Juan Manuel Delgado)
Quebec: Regional Action Center – Canada. (Coordinator: Steve Déry)

Mação/Coimbra (Portugal): Regional Action Center for Western Europe. (Coordinator: Maria Helena Henriques)
Leipzig (Germany): Regional Action Center for Eastern Europe. (Coordinator: Francis Harvey) 
Athens: Regional Action Center – Greece. (Coordinator: Anastasia Stratigea)
Belgrade: Regional Action Center – Serbia. (Coordinator: Emilija Manic)
Genoa: Regional Action Center – Italy. (Coordinator: Franco Montanari / Michele Piana)
Haifa: Regional Action Center – Israel. (Coordinator: Ishak Schnell)
Istanbul: Regional Action Center – Turkey. (Coordinators: Barbaros Gönençgil, Tolga Görüm)
Kiev: Regional Action Center – Ukraine. (Coordinator: Yaroslaw Oliynyk)
Lueneburg: Regional Action Center – Germany. (Coordinator: Ulli Vilsmaier)
: Regional Action Center – Slovenia. (Coordinator: Katja Vintar Mally) 
: Regional Action Center for Russia. (Coordinator:Vladimir Kolossov)
: Regional Action Center – The Netherlands. (Coordinator: Huib Ernste)
Santiago de Compostela
: Regional Action Center – Spain. (Coordinators: Ruben Gonzales / M.J. Pineira)
: Regional Action Center – Macedonia. (Coordinator: Biljana Apostolovska Toshevska) 
: Regional Action Center – Lithuania. (Coordinators: Dovilė Krupickaitė / Renaldas Gudaukas)
Regional Action Center – Poland. (Coordinator: Katarzyna Iwinska)
: Regional Action Center – Croatia. (Coordinator: Borna Fuerst Bjelis) 

Melbourne (Australia): Regional Action Center for Oceania. (Coordinator: Margaret Robertson)
Regional Action Center – New Zealand. (Coordinator: Robyn Longhurst)

Friends of the IYGU