March 2011, Germany - Weimar, Constitutive Meeting of the IYG Steering Committee

From left to right: Prof. Shangyi Zou (Geography, China), Prof. Lukas Sosoe (Philosophy, Ghana), Prof. Margaret Robertson (Geography, Australia), Prof. Benno Werlen (Initiator & Executive Director), Prof. Gordon McBean (Climatologist, Canada; President-Elect ICSU), Prof. Ron Abler (U.S.A, President, IGU), Adama Samassekou (Mali, President CIPSH), Prof. Anantha Duraiappah (India, Director UN Human Dimension Program); Prof. Sebastian Lentz (Germany, Director Leibniz-Institute IfL), Prof. Robyn Longhurst (Geography, New Zealand), Prof. Vladimir Kolossov (Russia, President-Elect IGU), Prof. Eduardo de Mulder (Executive Director of the UN International Year of Planet Earth, The Netherlands) N.N.

May 2011, Germany - Jena, Program Meeting of the Scientific Panel

Prof. Alik Zadeh
Adama Samassekou (President) & Luiz Oosterbeek (Secretary General) from CIPSH, the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences
Prof. John Urry
Presenting the key program
Lively Discussions

December 2012, Brasilia, Annual Meeting of the Sustainability Division of the Brazilian Chamber of Industry

December 2012, Rwanda - Kigali, Meeting with Rwandan Government for bringing the IYGU to UNESCO and UN New York

Members of the African voting Group at UNESCO, left of B.W. the Rwandan Ambassador of UNESCO Mr. Jacques Kabale, to the right of B.W. Rachad Farrah, president of the African Voting Group
Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Kigali, left to right: Jacques Kabale, Ambassador to UNESCO, Ed de Mulder (IYGU), the Foreign Minister Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo, B.A. and the Rwandan ambassadors of European Countries December 2012

July 2013, France - Paris, Meeting with African UNESCO Voting Group

August 2013, Japan - Kyoto, Presentation of the IYGU at the IGU Regional Conference

IGU Executive Committee & Japanese Geographical Society

August 2013, China - Beijing, Meeting with representatives of the Chinese Geographers for establishing a Regional Action Center for Asia

Gouyou Zhou (General Secretary of CGS), Dahe Qin, member of the Chinese Academy and president of the organizing committee of the IGC 2016), B.W., Mr. Yanhua, former vice-minister of Education and Science of the Chinese People's Republic, Shangyi Zhou (IYGU)

March 2014, Germany - Jena, Meeting with the Thuringian Minister for Education and Research

April 2014, USA - New York, Meeting with African Voting Group and Embassy of Rwanda

UN New York - Briefing Rwandan Embassy to UNESCO
Session of Africa Voting Group UN Headquarter

August 2014, Brazil, Support Mission across the country

Meeting with Mr. Guihelme Patriota, Director of the foreign affairs, at the Palácio do Planalto in Brasília, the seat of Brazilian Presidency,
Meeting with the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Rio de Janeiro
Brazilian Chamber of Industry from l. to r.: Shelley Carneiro (Sustainability Division of CNI), B.W., Robson Andrade (President of CNI), Eliezer Batista (Patron of IYGU), Inguelore Scheunemann (Outreach and Fundraising IYGU), N.N.
With the president of National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) at Brasilia, Prof. Paulo Sergio Beirão
Meeting the President of FAPESP, Prof. Hernan Chaimovich
Getulio Vargas Foundation with Prof. Istvan Kasznar (president) and Inguelore Scheunemann , Rio de Janeiro, June 2013 for the Publication of the IYGU Brochures in all official languages
Meeting with the organization of the OIE and its president Mrs. Ivana de Siqueiran (center)
Meeting at Innovare, from left to the right: Sybelle de Jongh, Ayres Britto (Justice of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil; legal advisor Innovare and IYGU), N.N., Benno Werlen

August 2014, Poland - Krakow, Presentation of the IYGU at the IGU Regional Conference

September 2015, South Africa - Durban, Proclamation of IYGU by the ISC at World Social Science Forum at the Durban In

The President of the International Council of the Social Science, Prof. Adalberto Martinelli proclaiming the IYGU in the name of ISSC
Heide Hackmann, Secretary General of the International Council of the Natural Sciences supporting the proclamation in the name of ICSU
Prof, Luiz Oosterbeek, President of International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences proclaiming the IYGU in the name of CIPSH

October 2015, Austria - Salzburg, Cooperation Agreement with Jack Dangermond by ESRI at the 2015 ESRI Conference

February 2016, Germany - Jena, Opening Ceremony

April 2016_04, USA - San Francisco, American Association of Geographers Celebrating the IYGU

from left to right: Jack Dangemrmond (CEO ESRI), Lee Schwartz (U.S. Deaprtment of State), Gary Knell (National Geographic International), Ron Abler (President IGU) Faranah Sultana (Bangladesh, IYGU author), Doug Richardson (AAG)

June 2016, UK - Glastonbury, IYGU at the Glastonbury Performing Arts Festival

The Green Fields events with the participation of  Ed Miliband (Leader of the Labour Party), John McDonnell  (Deputy Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition) the Green Party Baroness Jenny Jones, and other prominent Green Politicians, performance poets, campaigners, scientists etc On Thursday which is EU election night the BBC transmitted a live show or snippets featuring our Speakers Forum.

August 2016, China - Beijing, IGC Celebrating the IYGU

Prof. Benno Werlen, Prof. Carl Folke (Director of the Resilience Center Stockholm). Prof. Michael Meadows (IGU)
Opening Ceremony

September 2016, Brazil, IYGU Opening Ceremony for Brazil, Brazilian Chamber of Industry CNI – Sustainability

IYGU Opening Ceremony for Brazil, Brazilian Chamber of Industry (CNI) from left to right: Rosana Jatobá (Moderator from Globo TV), B.W., Kersten Barth (Director Sustainbility, Siemes), Isabella Wanderley (Vice President of New Channel Development at Grupo Boticário, Brazil), Walter Dissinger (President of Votorantim Ciment), Gordon McBean (President, ICSU, IYGU Steering Committee), Ulisses Sabará (President of Beraca, Brazil), Klaus Töpfer (former President UNEP, IYGU, Patron) and Marcos Troyjo (Director of BRICLab at Columbia University, Brazil)

November 2017, Germany - Jena, Harvest_Closing Ceremony