Tell Your Story

Tell Your Story with the International Year of Global Understanding
Under the auspices of the IGU’s International Year of Global Understanding, the European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO) and the IGU Commission for Geography Education (IGU-CGE) organized a Story Map competition “Tell Your Story” with the support of ESRI Inc.
The competition was officially launched at the EUROGEO Conference in Malaga, at end of September 2016 and the deadline for submission of entries was in February 2017.
There were two age group categories, one for high school students aged 15-19 to share their perspectives on local meeting global and the other for university students who were invited to share their research.
The Story Maps should relate to the “Key Messages” of the International Year and be developed under one (or more) of the six themes of the Year, namely:
1. Eating/drinking//surviving
2. Moving/staying//belonging
3. Working/housing//urbanizing
4. Communicating/networking//interacting
5. Wasting/recycling//preserving
6. Sports/entertaining//recreating